SHAY GABAY Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

In Traktor 3 I could tap 4 times on "TAP" in the grid tab
And then the white grid cue (1) would move to where it needed to be...
And in Traktor there is no way to change the position of the white grid cue,
Please help?


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    That's because the white gridmarker with the number one is actually not a gridmarker but a hotcue of type=grid. You can recognize it because the triangular 'flag' is pretty big, just like all the other hotcue types are big 'flags'. TP4 gridmarkers are white, but they actually have half-size 'flags'. You can delete the #1 marker without any consequences to the beat grid, because it is not a gridmarker.

    TAP function will only work on a track with a maximum of a single actual gridmarker. When you use the TAP function, it is this gridmarker (with a small 'flag') that will be repositioned, along with the tapped-in BPM.

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