Na features are doing anything the say the can. Can none help with these basics.

Joel Satterfield
Joel Satterfield Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

 So far native access has not fixed a simgle one of my 59 brokem links, found the wrongly installed other products that happens when an external library unexpectantly dies.  So far , I can’t fix, relocate on a small scale or all at once as it is advertised to do.  I want it to find installed product that is only two folder away and heal the librarian or let me put it in the ni library folder I bought the new drive for.  It won’t rep-per that either.  To me it should be easiest, it knows what supposed to “somewhere” based in serial numbers,  it knows I I have libraries and sam, organized into serial numbers.  None of the buttons to fix the libraries work;   But there is. Button to reinstalled them.  It knows where they used to be installed and you can choose a new location which is great because I had to just by the new hard, drive to install them. It was peculated that person for who files had to be given fist.  This solved nothing.  Then there was the private relay (VPN) was  causing issues. But nope.  No matter start a message pops up stating that there is a problem with the installation service>. Anyone figured these hurdles yet?nn


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