Traktor Scratch A6 - Not working

Benjy Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I have Traktor scratch A6 and cannot get it to work.

I'm using 2 vinyl turntables but only want to use 1 turntable with Traktor, and mix with normal vinyl on the other.

So I have 1 turntable connected to the Traktor A6 Interface box, that leads into the mixer. Then the laptop is connected as instructed to the Interface box (everything is powered on).

I have the Traktor DJ 2 software and have tracks loaded but it won't transfer/code the deck vinyl. All I get is a constant bleep tone.

(I do not have a Kontrol X1 or F1 as this was not included - I didn't think that was essential for it to work?)

I tried different settings on the preferences tab but no combinations seem to work. I drag a music file onto the first cue turntable on screen and I can play it on the laptop speakers at best.

Can anyone help please?

Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Traktor DJ 2 is old, dead and very limited.

    If you want free DVS software you can take a look at Mixxx. Though I don't think it work with the modern Traktor records (but the old ones and others)

    Else you need to get Traktor Pro 3 or 4.


  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 132 Pro

    I don’t think Traktor DJ 2 works with DVS, you need Traktor Pro.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Traktor DJ 2 is old, dead and very limited.

    If you want free DVS software you can take a look at Mixxx. Though I don't think it work with the modern Traktor records (but the old ones and others)

    Else you need to get Traktor Pro 3 or 4.

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