Traktor folders from previous versions

Mika.Six Member Posts: 12 Member

I'm doing a hard drive cleanup and in the folder Documents/Native Instruments I have several Traktor folders from previous versions. They're all about 8-9gb each. I'm on Traktor 4.0.2, do I need the previous version folders for anything or are they pretty much junk taking up space?


  • Member Posts: 178 Advisor

    I suggest you keep only Traktor 3.11.1 (in case you ever need to go back to Traktor Pro 3 for whatever reasons), Traktor 4.0.0 (in case you need the updated transition data from Traktor Pro 3.11.1 to 4.0.0 and the most recent version of Traktor 4.x.x folders; you can then trash the rest. There is also no necessity to keep these suggested folders in the main drive—you can backup on external media.

  • Mika.Six
    Mika.Six Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks! I backed them all up early to an external to be safe. I just reclaimed close to 90gb.

  • Member Posts: 178 Advisor

    Have you also examined "/Applications/Native Instruments/Traktor Pro 3/Backup/" and "/Applications/Native Instruments/Traktor Pro 4/Backup/"? They contain the previous versions of Traktor Pro 3 and 4 apps in case you need to run a particular version of Traktor Pro 3 or 4. Of course, you need to do some preparatory work to copy/restore and rename the relevant Traktor folders if you want to run older versions.

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