USB doesn't work

MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited February 18 in Maschine

Today I reactivated my Maschine 2 after months of inactivity. on the screen of the 2 displays Maschine and the logo appear on the left one, Production and Performance System appear on the right one, using the shift + channel midi button. I wanted to switch to USB activation, but it doesn't work. Coincidentally, after several attempts, another phrase appeared on the right display and by activating the procedure I managed to get it started. this for a few minutes, then everything became unusable again. Is it possible that oxide has formed on the contacts?


Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert
    edited February 19 Answer ✓

    From your screenshots it seems for Mac it’s enough to have them in Login, but I don’t see nowhere stated if they are running or not. And even NI article is not helping on this on point 4 (sorry…I saw now that it is point 4 for MAC while it’s point 5 for Windows).

    On Windows when you open Task Manager you can see if they are running, paused or even disabled.

    Try to have a look in this article if you can find an answer to that (I link it in Italian)

    I think the issue could be in those two processes running or not…but I can’t do anything more…

    Mi spiace…


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert
    edited February 18

    It could have something to do with NI Agents not running (point 5 of this Support article):

    Last time I had to solve this, I had to add a couple steps to point 5, because NIHostintegrationAgent was not simply not running but also disabled

    See this post:

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Many thanks I saw that in the link there are many answers and I have to calmly check them, as soon as I know something I will reply...many thanks for the quick reply.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert

    You’re welcome

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    NIHardwareAgent was missing in the "users and group" position, I followed the instructions on how to install it in login elements, I restarted the computer but it still doesn't work, the USB LED on my hub flashes 8 times and then goes off, I'm afraid that the problem is actually my Mashine, it's really true that the tools no longer break if they aren't used...

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert

    Have you tried plugging it directly instead of through a hub (btw: is it a powered one?)? Or even, the “definitive test”, in another computer?

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Connected directly to the Mac, replaced 3 USB cables, and also replaced the power supply, unfortunately I only have one Mac. Two days ago I managed to make it work with SHIFT + CHANNEL midi, which lasted a few minutes. Now it turns on normally but doesn't work.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert

    it is exactly in the state (waiting for the Maschine software to be loaded) that is caused by the NI Agents not running. Are you sure that installing NIHardwareAgent solved that situation and now both (even NIHostintegrationAgent) are running when you turn on your computer?

    Last checks you can do: check if in Controller Editor your Maschine is recognized…and also… is your Maschine plugged with power cable? I ask because if it is plugged only with USB cable and, as you suspect, the contact is not reading it, even the logo and the phrase should not appear (no energy would be provided at the Maschine at all)

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I'll send you some photos of my preferences... I always connect the USB + external power supply. Now when I took the photo I found NIHardwareAndent hidden, why? In my editor it is not recognized, and it does not even appear in the firmware installation program, 2 days ago it also read the serial number for a few minutes.Thank you for your advice and patience.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert
    edited February 19 Answer ✓

    From your screenshots it seems for Mac it’s enough to have them in Login, but I don’t see nowhere stated if they are running or not. And even NI article is not helping on this on point 4 (sorry…I saw now that it is point 4 for MAC while it’s point 5 for Windows).

    On Windows when you open Task Manager you can see if they are running, paused or even disabled.

    Try to have a look in this article if you can find an answer to that (I link it in Italian)

    I think the issue could be in those two processes running or not…but I can’t do anything more…

    Mi spiace…

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Thank you, you were extremely kind and professional. I will try to find the problem which is obviously communication, thanks for your help.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert
    edited February 19

    Non c’è di che…se non ci aiutiamo fra di noi…👍🏼

    I would like to be REALLY professional…at that point I would be paid for this 😂😂😂

    If you find the solution, please report it back. It could be useful for future users with the same issue.

    If you don’t, contact NI support (remember to login to have access to chat (during office time) or open a ticket):

  • MaxBozzetti25
    MaxBozzetti25 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Ok, if I make it, I'll warn you (it's tough😂) anyway, I had never taken the logging in thing into consideration, so I've learned something.🤗

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,993 Expert

    Maybe it’s though…but a solution should be available.

    Your Maschine MK2 is compatible with your OS…so at one point something should make it work 😉

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