Automation parameters list

6542Gouin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I would like to assign triggers (widgets in Gig Performer software) to solo the different instruments in the one instance of Kontakt. All I can see, with some exceptions, is the numerous parameter numbers unlabeled. Rather than go through one parameter number at a time - there are too many, does a parameters list exist (#003 = solo for example)?

There seems to be no midi learn for certain functions such as the "solo" buttons. Otherwise I will have to accomplish this via multiple instances - not ideal.


  • dhjdhjdhj
    dhjdhjdhj Member Posts: 35 Member

    The Solo button on a Kontakt instrument doesn't seem to support host automation. But with Gig Performer, you have several other ways to handle this

    For example, when you add multiple instruments in a single Kontakt plugin, put them all on different MIDI channels (this used to be the default but in Kontakt 8 new instruments seem all go on OMNI)
    Then, use separate MIDI In blocks, each with the same channel for input (from your keyboard) but each one for each MIDI channel associated with the respective Kontakt instrument. For example, here's an image where one MIDI block is received MIDI from a controller are channel 1 but sending incoming messages out on channel 3.

    Now you can just bypass each MIDI In block as needed to mute or solo the individual instruments and of course MIDI In blocks do support host automation. If you want notes to stay on (persist) until you release the keys then instead of bypass, simply block NoteOn messages, again via host automation

  • 6542Gouin
    6542Gouin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Yes, if none of these parameter's labels are published anywhere then blocks and channel splitting in GP will be the best solution. Thank you.

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