Traktor Pro 4

azat Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

Hello! If it is possible in Traktor Pro 4 to merge two or more tracks into a playlist , so as not to lose the sequence you like and thereby assemble the playlist.


  • azat
    azat Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hello! If it is possible in Traktor Pro 4 to glue and fix two or more tracks into a playlist , so as not to lose their sequence and thus not destroy their union .

  • NiYere19
    NiYere19 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


  • GGAB
    GGAB Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hello, I had been using Traktor for more than 20 years and have to say, that last years updates were terrible. It started with Traktor S4 mk3 screens malfunctioning if I switch on full screen and then:

    iTunes/Music Library No Longer Updates Automatically

    • Previously, Traktor synced my iTunes/Music playlists automatically, but now I have to save and then manually refresh my library every time, which is highly inefficient.

    Tracks Are Marked as Missing, Corrupted, or Unsupported

    • Tracks that were previously playable in Traktor are now flagged as missing or corrupted.
    • Even though the files exist in my folders, Traktor refuses to relocate them.
    • I have tried manually reimporting them, rescanning my library, and even resetting my collection, but the issue persists.

    Grid Cue Point Removal

    • The grid cue point was an essential feature for years, and I relied on it for precise beatmatching and cue placement.
    • Removing it has disrupted my workflow and made it harder to manage beat grids.

    What the hell can you explain us??? Please, help us and make downgrade=update

  • Lillo 1973
    Lillo 1973 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hola comunidad autónoma mi desde que se puso los stems y estoy pinchando la cpu del programa va a tope y cuando estoy trabajando si abro otra pantalla por ejemplo spotify más aún y se realentiza la música y pega enganchones y el portatil no es porque va sobrado es esl buffer del programa que se satura

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