OMG REAPER issue adding virtual instrument trks and trying to get a playable sound driving me nuts!

AW_NI5MK Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

I have been at this for a few days now so I'm turning to the best brains I could find - this forum! Here's the issue:

When I add virtual instrument tracks to REAPER to add in the NI plugin it loads and I can hear the previewed sound perfectly, but nothing happens when I hit the select button and actually load the sound. No playback nothing. However if I load the KOMPLETE KONTROL separate from REAPER it is playable no problems.

I tried a lot of settings, nothing changed.


Best Answer

  • AW_NI5MK
    AW_NI5MK Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    The NI reinstall of KK and reset of Reaper did it. Thanks for the guidance and help.


  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 108 Advisor
    edited February 12

    Sounds like MIDI isn't making it's way from Reaper to the NI plugin. Assuming that you are creating a Virtual Instrument track, and then selecting Komplete Kontrol:

    Do you have your MIDI keyboard enabled in the Reaper preferences? [Audio → MIDI Devices]

    And, is the created track set as record enabled?

  • AW_NI5MK
    AW_NI5MK Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I'm using 7.33 version of Reaper. I originally had ABLETON, in the PREFERENCES - MIDI INPUTS (3 of them) and MIDI OUTPUTS (3 of them) both are set to enable. Track is armed and all looks OK from the insert virtual track function. But as I was noticing that the previewed sound plays, and shows up. But the clicked on sound isn't. No key light activity either.

  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Are you creating an instrument track in Reaper?

    I would try recording some key presses and see if it shows up in the Reaper timeline as at least you can rule out if it's an incoming MIDI issue or not then.

  • AW_NI5MK
    AW_NI5MK Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I'll try that and also I got a strange feeling NI software will have to be reinstalled.

  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    I highly doubt it's that, it's much more likely that you've changed a setting in Reaper and the MIDI input isn't set correctly for that track or something along those lines.

  • AW_NI5MK
    AW_NI5MK Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    The NI reinstall of KK and reset of Reaper did it. Thanks for the guidance and help.

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