Kontakt 7/8 crashing cubase?

RiggyMyre Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

For whatever reason Kontakt 7 and 8 have been crashing on me whenever I use them and it's started recently, maybe a week as of when I'm writing this. Kontakt seems to crash cubase whenever there are too many voices at once playing with my brass and percussion libraries (CineBrass and Drums of War 2 &3). I'm confused because I've used them with no problem up until this point. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks


  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 738 mod

    Hello RiggyMyre,

    Have you checked the steps in this Knowledge Base Article below:

    Kontakt Crashes

    I hope this helps☺️

  • RiggyMyre
    RiggyMyre Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I just tried it, but once I get to step 4 where it instructs me to find a folder called "default" in the Native Instruments folder, there's no such thing as a "default" folder. What now?

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 17

    Cubase is unstable with Kontakt 8 and Heavyocity orchestral libraries w expansions like Forzo, Novo and Vento just loading and setting up the libraries on a new orchestral template (not even pushing the software a all). Both CPU and Memory issues where memory and CPU starts rushing and you have to resolve issues with panic button. Modulation wheel can lock up (happened with Novo Essentials).

    Clearly Kontakt is not tested on popular third party libraries and/or NI and Heavyocity is not collaborating enough on new releases. I am frankly tired of NI and third party NI partners not supporting their software (and still selling them almost at full price almost a decade later).

    Why invest in a third party library if the tech support during the life cycle is spotty and you start to avoid certain products due to stability issues.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    You are looking at the wrong place.

    The mentioned "default" folder is at:

    C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt 8 → (or Kontakt 7)

  • RiggyMyre
    RiggyMyre Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    ok, but that "default folder is in the Kontakt 7 and 8 folders, which have to be deleted prior to doing the renaming. So what do i do then?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    You still don't get it, yet it is crystal clear…

    We are not talking about this sub-folder:

    We are talking about the entire Kontakt 8 folder! (the one in the mentioned location)

    Just delete it!

    Then open Kontakt stand alone, it will re-create everything, correctly this time.

  • RiggyMyre
    RiggyMyre Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Ok, thanks for the clarification. So I just did all of the steps with the clarifications, but I'm still having crashes. What now?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited March 10

    You wrote:

    "Kontakt seems to crash cubase whenever there are too many voices at once playing with my brass and percussion libraries (CineBrass and Drums of War 2 &3)."

    If the problem appears there only (too many voices when using those 2 libraries), then we can not talk about a bug or a problem, but clearly about insufficient computer power! You computer has reached its limits, on that case. You know, if we are working "on the limits", one extra voice can do the difference between "working" and "non-working" state. It is that simple.

    Since you didn't told us anything about your system (CPU, memory, running processes and most importantly, audio card and audio card's latency!) the only solution i can see until you do this, is to suggest you to use less voices. And I'm almost sure now that your issue has nothing to do with Kontakt or Cubase

    When you provide more details about your system, i will be able to be more specific. For example, maybe your audio card needs different settings with higher latency, or perhaps you need a more professional card to handle this process (by the way, you also never mentioned how many are exactly those "too many voices"?).

    Also, please include a screen shot with your Cubase audio settings.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Have you tried to open these libraries in Kontakt in standalone?

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