Tonal Balance Control with Komplete Standard 14?

EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

I have Komplete Standard 14 which I believe comes with Izotope. I'm wondering if anybody can tell me if Tonal Balance Control is included with Izotope and if so how do I find/install it? I see Izotope installed on my Native Access but don't see Tonal Balance Control when I search in my DAW. I use a Mac OS Sequoia and Studio One.


  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    I'm not familiar with Komplete 14 myself, but am quite familiar with the iZotope products. Keep in mind: iZotope is the name of the company, it's not the product itself.

    Anyway, I did a little digging and managed to find what I believe to be an old press release, and according that page iZotope's Ozone 10 standard suite was included with Komplete 14. I happen to have Ozone 10 advanced in my library but tonal balance control isn't part of it.

    From what I can tell it's a separate product (also see its product page).

    Hope this can help!

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. I also opened a ticket with NI support and received a reply that it's not included.

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