How do I submit transfer authorization in writing?

Granzynga Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi NI friends,

I just had a musician retire, and we're transferring his licenses to a successor. One package is a selection of Cinesamples libraries, which Cine sent me to NI to administer the transfer. When we pull up the libraries, they're "not transferrable."

In the page titled "License Transfer: Why Is My Product Not Transferable?", it states the following:

"If you want to remove a third-party license from your NI account or transfer it to another user, you have to contact the manufacturer of the library directly. Most manufacturers make the deregistration themselves. If you are referred to Native Instruments, please obtain written approval from the manufacturer (as pdf-document). We need this document to legitimize the release of the license of a third-party product."

I have obtained that very PDF-document from Cine support.

How do I submit the document and the request?

Thanks in advance!


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    IMHO, you have to open the Support Ticket concerning Licence Transfer, describe the case and include that pdf, if the NI form allows (or you will send it later).

  • Granzynga
    Granzynga Member Posts: 2 Member

    Sorry for the total newbie question: How do I submit a support ticket?

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