Poor line level signals in Mas+

kleody Member Posts: 27 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I am bringing stereo line level signals direct from Korg Wavestate into Mas+... With the volume maxed out on the Wavestate, the signal is barely getting to -30db. I am assuming that this is an issue with Mas+ and/or Wavestate ... which makes me think that I should begin considering an audio interface / Mixer like Tascam Model 12 (reported on youTube to work with Mas+) that has higher quality preamps to boost the line level signals... am I on the right track here? Or should I be getting a good detectable signal in Mas+ without external pre-amps?


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    I also find the input very quiet in the M+ (and as far as I remember the MK3 was the same thing)

    Comparing it with my cheap Scarlett 2i2 and sampling a full-on mastered track I get these results, red is the M+ and Blue is the Scarlett:

    The above is with the input on the M+ maxed out, the Scarlet is at 2 o'clock (around 60%?), if it wasn't a mastered (limited) track the result would probably be even lower on the M+. I used the headphone output of my laptop.

    IMHO almost any interface is a decent investment, If I had a bunch of real synths then I'd probably get something like that Tascam model or just a regular interface with a decent number of inputs.


  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    before you invest in anything new, although the tascam is a really good investment, you should check the volume pot for the audi in on the back of the maschine+. happened to me once or twice too. ✌️

  • kleody
    kleody Member Posts: 27 Member

    No, but thank you - I am a newbie to this device though... could easily be something stupid on my part! And, yes! - the tascam would be a great addition on so many levels - But, I guess what I'm asking is if this is a unique issue between Wavestate and Maschine+ or does everybody consider the Mas+ line inputs to be inferior to running through a mixing board?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,915 Expert

    IME the M+ inputs are fine to record line level instruments, such as synths. Used them with a Access Virus Darkstar, Behringer Model D and Moog Voyager RME with good results. As with any recording chain, proper gain staging helps to get the best results.

    Naturally, any preamps (and converters) of an audio interface built into a synth/groovebox cannot be expected to be of the same quality as those of dedicated devices (desk/preamp, AD converter) which cost several times as much.

    However, the question is rather whether the audible difference is significant enough for you to justify the acquisition of additional expensive gear.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    I also find the input very quiet in the M+ (and as far as I remember the MK3 was the same thing)

    Comparing it with my cheap Scarlett 2i2 and sampling a full-on mastered track I get these results, red is the M+ and Blue is the Scarlett:

    The above is with the input on the M+ maxed out, the Scarlet is at 2 o'clock (around 60%?), if it wasn't a mastered (limited) track the result would probably be even lower on the M+. I used the headphone output of my laptop.

    IMHO almost any interface is a decent investment, If I had a bunch of real synths then I'd probably get something like that Tascam model or just a regular interface with a decent number of inputs.

  • kleody
    kleody Member Posts: 27 Member

    yes, thank you for the confirmation! I think you're right, it makes sense, besides... I've also read many comments on the Korg wavestate needed some gain support also ... cheers!

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