Can I use a MIDI template to control an instrument inside of Kontrol?

laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper
edited February 2 in Komplete Kontrol


I load a VST that already has an NKS template.

I can use it with my MK3 normally.

I setup a MIDI template but cannot map the controls to the Kontrol Instance. I'm trying to control the "Time" parameter in the top left that you see moving when NKS mode is enabled.

The reason why I want to do this is because, this particular VST can have samples on 8 different channels, and I'd like the ability to access them without the need of my DAW.

Best Answer


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,330 mod
    edited February 5


    i don´t understand what you mean, so the vst is loaded inside kk and it is already mapped. You now want to control it with another keyboard/controller (non native instruments one)? Or do you want to make your own mapping? then delete all pages of 8 knobs. Open the lock, like you have done in the video and move the parameters you want to map in the plugin, in the correct order.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    yeah we would need a bit more explanations on what you're trying to achieve? On the video, is the :K3 keyboard set to MIDI mode?

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I want to go into MIDI mode and map the knobs etc to the controls on the VST, using the (same) MK3. I think I've read somewhere that KK doesn't use MIDI to control hosted VSTs recently, though…

    @Jeremy_NI Is that accurate? Does that better describe what I'm trying to do?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,330 mod
    edited February 15

    No that doesn't work that way with kk, and it would make no sense with an instrument that's hosted within kk. You can map your controls by simply moving them in the correct order, then you have them laid out in rows of eight, you can then name the controls and the pages. It's beyond simple midi mapping.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Ah ok, I want to control the vst from a separate track, since each track will only play MIDI from one specified channel. This particular VST has 8 instruments running on 8 channels, and the VST is loaded on the first channel, on the first track.

    I was hoping a MIDI Template would allow me to do this, since the Default KK interface would only be visible on the track where the VST is loaded.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    Answer ✓

    You can easily switch back and forth between MIDI mode and NKS mode on the keyboard so when in your track with KK loaded use that, and the other tracks toggle MIDI mode and use a template or just map the params you need to control to the default template

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    I've made my first template today (for another synth). I'll have to give that a try.

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