Translated Emulator x .exb files compatible with Kontakt 8..?

Lochsloidh Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hi folks, I'm about to pull the trigger on Kontakt 8 full version.

Been away from music software for quite a number of years, ( life gets in the way …know..? )

Does anyone have any idea if my old Emulator x ( .exb ) libraries ( I know..I know…I was young and …. lol ) will work if translated by Chicken Translator..? ( which I'll also have obtain ) 🙄

Cheers in advance

Best Answers

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 319 Pro
    edited January 29 Answer ✓

    Yes they will work. I've converted a bunch of the older Emulator files into Kontakt, but the filters don't carry over, so it's kind of pointless.Kontakt doesn't offer much to make these sound like they really sound in the E-Mu Emulator.I have Emulator X3 software which is the best alternative, but you gotta run windows cpu's for this.

    Your better off just using UVI emulator libraries, as they are of a much higher quality and they do a bettr job in emulating the filters. At least in my experience.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 319 Pro
    Answer ✓


    I see yes I remember that library and I was also a Gigastudio user, many moons ago. I own Chicken Translator as well, I think it’s probably your best bet for the Emu conversion ( I still think Translator is a little buggy, but with a call to Garth, he will get you up and running if you have any issues for this conversion, as it was pretty common years back, the issue I've found with his software, is there's so many different formats, that a new update sometimes may bring along another new bug, at least that has been my experience with it ).

    There are other converters out there, such as Awave,but I can't recall if it worked for emu conversions.

    Once you do get your files into the NKI format, I'd recommend using ( Convert with Moss ) moving forward if you need to translate beyond the Kontakt format.

    He doesn't support the emu conversion, but his converter is incredible and free. ;)

    Best of luck


  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 319 Pro
    edited January 29 Answer ✓

    Yes they will work. I've converted a bunch of the older Emulator files into Kontakt, but the filters don't carry over, so it's kind of pointless.Kontakt doesn't offer much to make these sound like they really sound in the E-Mu Emulator.I have Emulator X3 software which is the best alternative, but you gotta run windows cpu's for this.

    Your better off just using UVI emulator libraries, as they are of a much higher quality and they do a bettr job in emulating the filters. At least in my experience.

  • Lochsloidh
    Lochsloidh Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks so much for the speedy reply.

    I still have my old pc running emx3 but not really the space for 2 towers.

    It's good to know that translated .exb will open as it's a particular sound set that I was most bothered about..

    ( Celtic Instruments by Big fish audio ) Originally purchased on cd ( Gigastudio format as I remember ) and converted by Emu's included translator to .exb, so filters not really an issue.

    Chicken translator for Kontakt specific is still cheaper than buying Celtic Instruments again.

    Any other translators available, anyone..?

    ps will check out UVI though 👍️

    Again many thanks

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 319 Pro
    Answer ✓


    I see yes I remember that library and I was also a Gigastudio user, many moons ago. I own Chicken Translator as well, I think it’s probably your best bet for the Emu conversion ( I still think Translator is a little buggy, but with a call to Garth, he will get you up and running if you have any issues for this conversion, as it was pretty common years back, the issue I've found with his software, is there's so many different formats, that a new update sometimes may bring along another new bug, at least that has been my experience with it ).

    There are other converters out there, such as Awave,but I can't recall if it worked for emu conversions.

    Once you do get your files into the NKI format, I'd recommend using ( Convert with Moss ) moving forward if you need to translate beyond the Kontakt format.

    He doesn't support the emu conversion, but his converter is incredible and free. ;)

    Best of luck

  • Lochsloidh
    Lochsloidh Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    All great info and advice

    Many thanks again

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