audio 10 bug often at pc start on windows 11

2ZzeF Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


I have this bug since Windows 8, I had it on the 10 and again on the 11. This bug is only present at the start of the pc. It arrrive that I start my pc for 15 days without the problem and suddenly it starts again. I just installed windows 11 and it’s the same. On windows 11 the bug is even more present.

When I start my computer it happens for years that I have to unplug and reconnect my audio card 10.
It’s simple, when I launch a video I have to unplug and reconnect my sound card to have the playback and the sound of the video.

For example, if I switch the sound output on windows settings for speakers on screen, the sound and playback start. If I return to the audio card 10 , the bug starts again.
I really need to disconnect the usb cable from the audio sound card 10 and plug it back in so that it is recognized and everything works normally.

Thank you for your help.

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