two traktor controllers

two Traktor mixers/controllers and one version on Traktor Pro 4, csn this be done? I would like to use my S8 controller with my turntables however the S8 is not calibrating both turntables, and nothing I've tried to address this has worked, so how might I run my Z2 mixer to control my two turntables for vinyl/dvs djing, and I'd like to use the S8 remix, stems deck, and other features, running both simultaneously on the same computer with Traktor Pro 4 that I have. Any feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Dred
    Dred Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    can’t say about s8 + z2 , but I run s4mk3 + z2 (timecode vinyl on z2) and they booth just work at same time , I’m on Mac Monterey , Traktor 4 , don’t tested it long but it was ok


  • Dred
    Dred Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    can’t say about s8 + z2 , but I run s4mk3 + z2 (timecode vinyl on z2) and they booth just work at same time , I’m on Mac Monterey , Traktor 4 , don’t tested it long but it was ok

  • Dred
    Dred Member Posts: 15 Member

    try to connect turntables to z2 and calibrate them , then plug s8

  • cupateech
    cupateech Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you-I will try that. I did see a few posts elesewhere that suggest shutting TP4 down and restarting, and that should initiate the callibration/refresh the settings, but that did not work.

  • pARty_bOy
    pARty_bOy Member Posts: 152 Pro

    just set your Z2 has soundcard and config TT inputs, the S8 will just be a Midi controller, remember you will have 2 controllers, S8 and Z2, controlling same decks.

  • cupateech
    cupateech Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'll give this a try later when I get home. Thanks for the feedback!


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