RAUM - Very short question

3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


For no reason apparently a month ago all my presets saved dissapeared, and impossible to save as rename (it mentions a typing problem but even with a "00" name there is a problem), does some one of you have an idea, maybe known problem ?

Thank you very much, danke schon, merci beaucoup,



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Just write a normal name, no numbers, no characters.

    The "illegal character" should be this: -
    there is no other character anyway…

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Nope, it is not that.

    I just recreate your issue and i saved a 00 - My INIT preset, instantly!

    So, my best bet is, that you are using non-English characters.

    To explain: If i write INIT with Greek letters, it is (it looks) exactly the same. But it doesn't accept it, probably because of the different encoding (this is the "illegal character" warning)!

    So, make sure you are using English.

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hi Sunborn,

    Why ? Does "3" gives you a little visual problem ? 😳

    Btw thanks for trying and your answer, but nope, I'm in Qwerty with european alphas etc.
    And as I wrote : even with only "00" it isn't accepted, then nothing to do with " - " (that you confirm with your test).
    There is indeed a prob by my side, big mystery because I see asolutely no reason..

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    edited January 26

    "Why ? Does "3" gives you a little visual problem ? 😳" oups sorry, i've ridden and linked it directly to my 3RIC (account a just created), now I re-read your answer off course it was with the preset (was miles away to make a link with the fact that we shouldn't put numbers - wt* everyone name ABC_01 XYZ-02, etc. Btw..)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    I'm in Qwerty with European alphas

    Greek A is a European A too.
    So, it might be Non-Latin character.

    Apart of that, i can't see any other reason for such a simple thing…

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Nope it can't be this, it worked perfectly before, I saved plenty oif customised presets (with alphas as " - "), thank you anyway.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    LOL …and i has wondering "what the heck he means now? which 3 and what visual problem?" 😋

    hehe, no worries, it can happen to all of us when do multitasking!

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    (I'm re-installing Raum, maybe…)

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    OK, manually deleted 😅 > MacOS reboot > Re-installed » Nope same problem (as on upper screens)

    Additional fact : by clicking on "Show User pref folder…", nothing.
    It may be I've deleted the OsX/folder that could explain the problem with everything around customised preset ?

    If someone knows the NAME + LOCATION of this customised folder… 🙏

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Sorry no idea for Mac, but on Windows is this one:

    C:\Users\your_user_name\Documents\Native Instruments\User Content\Raum

    It might help you to find the equal MAC folder

    or, we can ask @Kymeia :-)

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod

    On Mac it's /Users/yourname/Documents/Native Instruments/User Content/Raum

  • 3RIC
    3RIC Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hi guys,

    Unfortunately it isn't that, I have this Raum folder (empty..)..

    I give up definitively with Native, Layers and layers, passwords and passwords, authorizations and authorizations, and problems like this one (never had any problems with the others, always with NI), so much time wasted, a gas factory, I'm going to buy an equivalent for 30 euros, so much simpler for its preset management (with so many more presets) I forgot the name (if you're interested I'll look it up) for an equivalent reverb quality, no more passwords and Daemon etc etc etc etc. I'm going to uninstall everything and save 10GB (?).Sorry to share my annoyance, I just hope that at NI they'll read it (especially since there are so many of us who think the same).In any case, thank you that's nice of you, nice music to music to you.

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