s88mk2 connecting issue with logic

Alvin Sham
Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

Mac M2 (os 15.2) , Logic (ver 11.1.2) , keyboard firmware (0.6.0). The keys, cc wheels are working with logic but one day it randomly……

  1. Function buttons , big knob on right are not working.
  2. The browser , plugin button only react to the first instrument.
  3. When i change to another track, the screen still stuck at the first instrument but the keyboard did play another track's instrument.
  4. Even selected another track, but the plugin , browser button are changing stuff on 1st instrument.
  5. Screen is grey shows nothing when i tap mixer button

That's so weird…feels like connected half but some random signal are not responding…I tried to restart logic..keyboard…reinstall kk software…but solved nothing…

Would be very appreciated if some pro could guide me how to fix this.

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