Traktor Pro2 Sound Card

Paul S
Paul S Member Posts: 13 Newcomer

I need a USB soundcard so I can have a separate output from Deck A and Deck B, I don't need mixing features etc just a split of the 2 decks, Aby advice please?

Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Any 4 channel (two stereo signals) audio card that is supported by your computer / OS should work. For example a used Traktor A6. Or if you want to buy new maybe a Focusrite.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,064 mod

    If you mean for external mixing mode most 4 channel output interfaces would work, something like a Komplete Audio 6 maybe. Not sure about TRAKTOR PRO 2, that's pretty old now but if it's working on your system you'll probably be ok. You could always get one from Amazon to give it a try, that way if it doesn't work you get to return it :). Are you using a controller?

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member Posts: 13 Newcomer

    No controller, I'm not really usingbit yo DJ, just music for darts events so just a USB out from the laptop to a soundcard that splits the 2 decks to 2 separate outputs

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,064 mod

    The KA6 would almost certainly do the job then. It has four analog outs which you can map to L/R for decks A and B if you switch Traktor to external mixing mode. You'll need to run into an external mixer as Traktor disables the internal mixer/tone controls etc when it's in external mode.

  • Unknown
    edited January 24
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  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Any 4 channel (two stereo signals) audio card that is supported by your computer / OS should work. For example a used Traktor A6. Or if you want to buy new maybe a Focusrite.

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member Posts: 13 Newcomer

    Thanks for your replies, looking at the Focusrite the output shows left and right, how could I separate to 2 decksrather than a mix of both?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    Focusrite is a line of different products. You can get them with just 2 channels, but you can also get them with up to 8.

    You could just get the one with 2, and give each deck just a mono channel. But I would suggest to get one with 4 so you have stereo. For example: Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 3rd Gen

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