Kontakt 8 + Spitfire libraries = ???

Joshua Silbert
Joshua Silbert Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I will readily admit that I am a Kontakt newbie but is anyone else having issues relocating and reloading Spitfire libraries with Kontakt 8?

I'm seeing some solutions with V.7 so maybe I'll try to use that instead but was curious if maybe there's a speed bump to avoid?

Thanks for any help!


Best Answer

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru
    Answer ✓

    With Spitfire, they will normally be relocatable if Kontakt, because the library is the thing that handles the addition to Kontakt/Komplete Kontrol on install via native Access.

    If it's a dedicated plugin, you will need to reset, and reinstall to your preferred location if it's a VST in Komplete Kontrol. that's a Spitfire issue, rather than Native Instruments.

    Downside, there is no quick way to uninstall from the Spitfire Audio app. It's terrible, and you can to manually delete, remove hooks and then reinstall. Link:

    How do I Uninstall a Spitfire Library? – Support Centre


  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru
    Answer ✓

    With Spitfire, they will normally be relocatable if Kontakt, because the library is the thing that handles the addition to Kontakt/Komplete Kontrol on install via native Access.

    If it's a dedicated plugin, you will need to reset, and reinstall to your preferred location if it's a VST in Komplete Kontrol. that's a Spitfire issue, rather than Native Instruments.

    Downside, there is no quick way to uninstall from the Spitfire Audio app. It's terrible, and you can to manually delete, remove hooks and then reinstall. Link:

    How do I Uninstall a Spitfire Library? – Support Centre

  • Joshua Silbert
    Joshua Silbert Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thank you for your response/answer/help. Thus far, I got some Spitfire stuff back to where it needs to be, but now I'm struggling getting my LABS packs in the right place. I'm doing something wrong and not sure what.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru

    Labs are not official NKS, but are part of the User Library - they will only show in Komplete Kontrol in your User Library, but you'll need to add them (the location of the NKS pack) in setting/library/User/Add Location.

  • Joshua Silbert
    Joshua Silbert Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up re-downloading everything and erasing older LABS packs and all is well now.

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