RPM Challenge 2025 - Maschine Edition

el-bo Member Posts: 129 Helper

Seems like the perfect time to celebrate what Maschine is, rather than what it isn't.

The RPM Challenge runs each February, and has done for a couple of decades. The idea is to produce a completed body of original work during this month. The original rules stipulated that the minimum run-time had to be 35 minutes or contain 10 tracks (preferably both). However, in the last few years they've scaled the challenge back to allow more people to enter. Essentially, each artist sets themselves a target of a single, EP or the original 10/35 challenge.

I entered this challenge two years running, but that was circa 2011. I've tried since, but never got it together. This will be my first attempt in quite a few years, and I've decided to use the month to finally learn my Maschine+, inside and out (Or as close as I can). Anyway, I thought it might be an idea to extend to the whole community.

Originally I thought to pith it to M+ users only, but I guess there's no reason that computer-tethered Maschiners couldn't join in. Either way, I think it would be a good idea to work out how to achieve content parity i.e to ensure that everyone has access to the same sounds, instruments etc.

The only other rule I thought appropriate would be that only the Maschine hardware could be used. This would mean no external MIDI accessories (Keyboards, knobs, sliders etc.). Just stripped back to the essentials.

In the case of tethered users, the expectation would be to get through the whole experience without using the computer screen, mouse or keyboard. Hardware only. I suppose if software-only users wanted to join in, they could do so using only the software (and in this case, a MIDI controller of some sort). It just might be a bit more difficult to achieve content parity. But maybe not.

Definitely open to suggestions. Perhaps between us we can arrive at a situation where everyone has the same tools to work with.

Anyway, here's the RPM FAQ, from their site:



  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 129 Helper

    A little bump.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 129 Helper

    Might as well give this one last bump before the start date.

    I signed up for the lowest tier. Having to learn the hardware as well as doing a whole album is definitely too much.

  • chiaki
    chiaki Member Posts: 2 Member

    I knew this challenge through your post, and decided entering to kickstart my creative mind.

    I will use Ableton Live with MK3 as a sub-controller, so it's different from rules that you said.

    But let me just say thank you for introducing, and I hope your challenge to be good!

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 129 Helper

    I thought the rules might be good if there were a few of us, to make things the same for everyone, but I guess it doesn't really matter. It's always challenging enough, regardless ;)

    I think I'll try to stick to what I originally set out (I've already deleted everything but the original bundle, and I think that will help with overwhelm), and I think using the pads only will stop me from falling into the same old patterns that I do with a piano keyboard. The only exception I'm gonna make is to use the Reaktor MONO utility. But who knows…thing may change.

    Anyway, glad you're going for it. Very interested to hear what you come up with.

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