Izotope / Native-Inst Tech Support MIA!!!

shandymusicbiz Member Posts: 3 Member

Did you all have a bad merger?? Ive attempted to open 3 tickets with Izotope Tech Support…no reply. The support@ email accounts are no longer working. Tried the Native-Inst website for support…form isnt loading. Tried calling your Boston, MA corporate office….no option to talk to a human. I need support for Neutron 5. Big banner on both websites saying 'support is very busy'

****** are you all doing?

Best Answer

  • shandymusicbiz
    shandymusicbiz Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you! I found what I was doing wrong….Reaper is a little cryptic when it comes to the sends/receives….I was mis-mapping the send to the other channel incorrectly.

    I appreciate you!


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,063 mod

    What problems are you having with N5 ?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,084 Expert
    edited January 17

    "Big banner on both websites saying 'support is very busy"

    Most likely dealing with users who actually submitted tickets. VS - say - those who choose to use exclamation marks and all caps - hoping that is going to speed things up…

    You would be much closer to a solution if you detailed the problem. Maybe someone on here can help.


  • shandymusicbiz
    shandymusicbiz Member Posts: 3 Member

    @VP, I have submitted tickets…3 of them. No auto-response or anything even acknowledging that a ticket was created. No issue with my email, because I get my monthly receipts from them for the subscription payments.

    @mykejb, I have an issue with the Neutron 5 compressor module - it does not show the dropdown in the top right of the UI to allow me to select another track to use as a sidechain trigger. Have tried dumping a Neutron 5 instance on all other tracks, and enabling 'EXT FULL' sidechaining on the compressor. The dropdown is not visible like it is on other user's videos I see. I'm using fully licensed Reaper as the DAW. The Izotope installation is the subscription based Mixing / Mastering Suite. Everything fully updated and at latest Versions. Windows 11 PC. Thanks for any help you can offer.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,063 mod

    I don't use Reaper here, but in Cubase the external sidechain is routed to effects like compressors in the Cubase interface not the Neutron interface. In the example below I sent a drum track to the side chain input of the compressor effect, set N5 to EXT mode and I see the side chain signal in the N5 interface.

    Might be worth having a look and see if you can do the same/similar in the Reaper interface? If not let me know and I'll load up Reaper and take a look over the weekend.

  • shandymusicbiz
    shandymusicbiz Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you! I found what I was doing wrong….Reaper is a little cryptic when it comes to the sends/receives….I was mis-mapping the send to the other channel incorrectly.

    I appreciate you!

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