Mapping Assignment Issue on Traktor Pro 4

Steve28 Member Posts: 11 Member

Hello !

I own two rp-8000 mk2's mapped with the same TSI file for Traktor,

On TP3, they were named in input and output this way (first one is left) :

rp-8000 mk2

rp-8000 mk2 #2

And the mapping assignment was saved for each one correctly.

On TP4, they are named the same :

rp-8000 mk2

rp-8000 mk2

When I assign the mapping to the first one input and output and do the same to the second one it works, but when I quit and open Traktor again, it assigns the mapping to the first rp-8000 mk2 only (because the input and output of each one are named exactly the same, I think Traktor reassigns the two mappings to the first one). I have to manually reselect the second one input and output each time I open TP4 ...

Is this a known bug ?



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,141 mod

    Doesn't seems to affect my multiple F1 and my multiple Midifighter Twisters. Try changing the MIDI channel if the device names are issue.

  • Steve28
    Steve28 Member Posts: 11 Member

    I think it's because you use Native hardware maybe.

    Changing the midi channel, how do you do that ?

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,141 mod

    I did note that my Midifighter Twisters don't have this issue. I found the following info about your decks. Hope it helps!

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,141 mod

    I also found another DJ having the same issue with RB.


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