Maschine+ (still) getting stuck on startup

Itse Kukin
Itse Kukin Member Posts: 11 Member

Hey there, I noticed that older threads are closed and didn't want to revive obsolete ones anyway, but my issue persists, so I thought I'd make a new one.

Firstly, I'd like to ask the forum: is my issue a rarity? Do you have a M+ that never gets stuck on startup?

Secondly, the things I've tried so far are:
-Using the .nut-file
-Disconnecting peripherals and power supply etc.
-Upgrading the SD-card (Sandisk Extreme Plus 128GB V30 A2 U3)
-Trying to boot without SD card

The issue persists. Sometimes I'll get it to boot, after not having tried for a while - lucky day!
The issue promptly repeats itself if I shut it down at some point. So one option is just to keep it always on - not ideal.

Since I noticed that Maschine 3 just came out, and there are plans to bring it on the M+ in a future update, I wondered if this (common?) issue might have been on the writing board as well, and maybe a more permanent kind of fix had been issued?
I just checked, and mine was bought in June '22.

Thanks in advance!


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,259 Expert

    Yes, the Maschine+ is supposed to be getting an update - but it's been a very long time coming.

    An update was promised last year, long before Maschine 3 was released, to fix a few old issues. That never happened, and then on the release of Maschine 3, NI said that the + update would be "coming soon".

    That hasn't happened yet either.

  • keilyn3d
    keilyn3d Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 16

    Mine has been randomly stuck since I got it, sometimes it gets worse and sometimes it last months without getting stuck, I suspect that it has something to do with electricity or with temperature or humidly, because I noticed that mine in some places never boot up, and sometimes in my house in the night it won't boot up, in the day it works but not at night, I did tested the voltage of the power supply and in the night it is less than the 15v that it expect (maybe there is more energy usage at night), so maybe that is the issue.

    I use it to play live, but I ended up getting a pocket pc and using it for live shows as I don't trust the Maschine+ because of the boot issues (also is more portable as the pc is as big as a power bank and it can run the maschine for 4 hours without being connected to a wall).

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 380 Guru

    Exactly this is why…

    First things first. We need that update, including compatibility with the latest v2 of the desktop software.

  • Itse Kukin
    Itse Kukin Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 18

    Hmm. I suppose it's not due to the SD card, since booting without one doesn't improve the situation. It's hard to imagine it being a hardware issue necessarily either, since it does power on - it just doesn't move beyond the startup screen; so something gets stuck somewhere in that process. That gives me hope that it is possible to be fixed with a firmware update or something like that.

    Yesterday it turned on in the morning, so I just kept it on for the whole day.

    Today it also turned on! Yay! But then I tried to load up a project, and it froze during the loading process; and upon resetting, it's back stuck on the startup screen.
    It's quite an issue for something that cost more than a thousand bucks. It's not like I can re-sell this either, what with the "it might work, it might not work" functionality.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,259 Expert

    @Itse Kukin when it turns on, can you go to settings/about and post your System Version, Maschine Version and Firmware please.

  • Itse Kukin
    Itse Kukin Member Posts: 11 Member

    System version
    Maschine version 2.17.5 (R0)
    Firmware 0.1.9

    Today's another lucky day! Having a blast with the setup.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,259 Expert

    Thanks, so you're all up to date there.

    Do things improve if you turn off usage data tracking and put it in airplane mode (wi-fi off)?

  • Itse Kukin
    Itse Kukin Member Posts: 11 Member

    Well, here's some really good news: I tried airplane mode, but the startup freeze still happened once after that. But after turning off usage tracking (and leaving airplane mone on), the Maschine+ has not had the startup freeze for a whole week now. I was able to even take it with me to a jam yesterday, and it booted up over there as well!

    I think it has never had a full week of no freezing, so this is definitely a big improvement. Thank you so much!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,259 Expert

    No problem. Nice to know it helped.

    The info was originally posted by someone else ages ago. It helped me in the past, so I remembered it.

  • trx0x
    trx0x Member Posts: 1 Member

    Yesterday was the first time I've been able to get my M+ to startup in 2+ months. I was working on some projects, life was good. And then I shut it down for the night. And now it's stuck again. I've done everything OP listed (.nut file, disconnecting, etc) as I always do whenever this problem comes up. And nothing works, except letting it sit for 2 or 3 months, at least in my case. So I guess either a) if it starts up, never turn it off ever again? or b) adopt a schedule of maybe making music on an M+ every 2-3 months. This is ridiculous. I'm tempted to just start a support ticket for the hell of it, but are they just going to tell me to do the things I've already done? Or tell me to "reset the device by going to settings…" when I can't even get the thing to start up?

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