Looking for a sample

Jamie Hunter
Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper

Loading up an old project I have a sample called Blue Horizon, it's an impact one shot. I don't have the relevant expansion anymore, does anyone know what expansion it is from?


Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod
    Answer ✓

    There's a "Blue Horizon" patch in the Massive "Halcyon Sky" expansion and a "Blue Horizon Kit" in the Battery "Halcyon Sky" expansion.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod
    Answer ✓

    There's a "Blue Horizon" patch in the Massive "Halcyon Sky" expansion and a "Blue Horizon Kit" in the Battery "Halcyon Sky" expansion.

  • Jamie Hunter
    Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper

    Thanks, it's a one shot sample not a preset or kit, so not sure if that is the expansion I'm looking for.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    I think the Blue Horizon one I found was a hit-type sound. I'll take a look later when I'm at the computer to check. They're the only NI ones I could find with "blue horizon" in the title and I have most NI stuff.

  • Jamie Hunter
    Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper

    Thanks, yes it's a sub boom impact called Blue horizon.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    There is no other Blue Horizon apart from what Mike already told you (unless it is a user sample or from other sources, not NI).

    It is a Massive sound indeed. Have a listen to its preview

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    All the samples included in the Blue Horizon Kit are named “Something BlueHorizon”, like “Kick BlueHorizon 1”, “Taps BlueHorizon”,…

    Since you used the term “Boom”, there is also one called “Boom BlueHorizon”.

    Does it sound anything like this?

  • Jamie Hunter
    Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper

    Not quite, I know it's an impact one shot from one of the expansion and it came from one shots in Komplete Kontrol as I don't use battery or machine kits. I have an old project I used it in but I don't have the expansion anymore so I just have a blank sample called BlueHorizon but I remember it was a sub boom sound I used at the start of each 16 bars.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    The infos are quite confusing…

    You say it’s from one of the expansions and that you don’t have the expansion anymore, but then that you don’t use battery or maschine kits.

    Expansions contain exactly Maschine kits (that then also have a battery version).

    The one shots that you can use in Komplete Kontrol come from those Expansions

  • Jamie Hunter
    Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper

    It was from an expansion that came with Komplete standard, what I meant was I used the samples and presets by accessing them through Komplete Kontrol not by using them as battery or machine kits. I don't have the expansion anymore because I sold Komplete 14 standard.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited February 3

    Ok. With these additional informations, I’m almost sure the one I posted above is the right sound.

    Halcyon Sky was included in Komplete 14 Standard.

    You must take many aspects in consideration: the sounds included in Expansions can be used in KK without using Maschine or Battery (it loads them in KK sampler). Once you play it, the sound will be modified a little depending on which key you use (it gets pitched depending on which note you play). If the sound I sent you is quite similar, it probably is it played on a different pitch

    Another thing that will make the sound be slightly different is the fact that in Maschine it also has a chain of FXs modifying it. This is how it sound without the FXs (but still not pitched on the keyboard):

    And these are all the sounds of the kit (recorded in Maschine, therefore not pitched and with all the FXs):

    A Boom sound called BlueHorizon, coming from an expansion included in K14 Standard… quite difficult it is something else from “Boom BlueHorizon.wav”… (or one of the other sounds from the Blue Horizon Kit from Halcyon Sky Expansion)

  • Jamie Hunter
    Jamie Hunter Member Posts: 44 Helper
    edited February 3

    So the loops and one shots in expansions are just the individual samples from the battery and maschine kits and not different samples? I remember I found it when searching for impacts under the one shots tab, I dragged it in from file explorer as they took away the ability to drop and drag direct from KK. At the end of the day it's a sub boom sample which I probably have 50+ but I have a voucher to use so was going to buy an expansion and would like to get the one that has the sample but it's not the end of the world if I can't find it. The irony is I named the track Blue Horizon because of that sample.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    One-shots also includes the audio part of kits and presets, if they have an audio part (sample) of course.

    It is more rare for presets but very common for kits… in fact, all kits are based on samples.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    The “impacts” you used to find it is a tag.

    When you select tags to refine the search, all sounds that have been tagged like this will appear, no matter where (which expansion) they come from.

    Or…you can select beforehand a precise expansion and then the tags will find sounds only from that expansion.

    And…yes…usually the one shots are those that then you’ll find organized in Kits. More or less.

    For the loops…I’m not sure if I’m correct, but some expansions contains loops that are practically “someone who played the expansion’s sounds”. A little bit like the included patterns, but in audio version, if you know what I mean.
    And there are also some expansions that contains ulterior loops (?)

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