BATTERY4 KITS bug in Maschine+ and Maschine3: Loads only one pad not the whole kit.

monsterG Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I've seen several discussions in this forum with there NEVER being a solution to this problem. "This discussion is closed" is the only answer. ******.

Battery only shows up in the "Instruments" list and not the "Groups" list on the Maschine+, which I think is a programming bug. If it has a KIT, then it needs to be in the GROUPS list so that all the pads of the kit load!

If ANYONE has a solution to load BATTERY4 kits into Maschine3 for use with Maschine+, I sure would appreciate it. If there is no solution, and we're just SOL because NI is too lazy to FIX IT, I would like to know that too. BTW, I have the Komplete Ultimate 15, so it's not a matter of not having battery4. (Sorry to all for my tone….I am highly perturbed about this problem and for the lack of answers….took a great deal of time to hunt for an answer and arrive at no help!).

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