How to find Quick Load in Kontakt 8

Michael R B
Michael R B Member Posts: 19 Member

I quite like Kontakt 8 in most regards. But, I am finding myself still using Kontakt 7 quite a bit, solely because of one issue. That is, I have a certain number of manually installed libraries - these are the ones where the developers are too cheap to buy codes from NI, so you have to faff around and add them to Quick Load. That's always been an acceptable hack.

But, in Kontakt 8, I'm damned if I can find a way of getting Quick Load to appear. I've read the manual, I've tried playing with Ctrl F and turning Quick Load on in the View tab. I realized that I hadn't migrated the QL catalog from V7 to V8, so I did indeed do that. No joy.

How do you find the thing? The documentation claims that it's there, but at least for me, it isn't…

Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
    edited January 13 Answer ✓

    Yes but you have the library browser open - it shows where it always has, next to the rack, not in the new view or browser


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod

    You need to be in classic view

  • Michael R B
    Michael R B Member Posts: 19 Member

    Yeah, I had tried that. No joy.

    See the attached screenshot - it's in Classic View (which you can tell from the fact that the view option is now "Default View") and Quick Load is enabled. But, Quick Load is still AWOL…

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
    edited January 13 Answer ✓

    Yes but you have the library browser open - it shows where it always has, next to the rack, not in the new view or browser

  • Michael R B
    Michael R B Member Posts: 19 Member

    Thanks! That was it!

    I still think that there's a problem with the documentation, which actually doesn't say this, but at least I can now operate the darned thing!

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