Strummed acoustics and Cubase Chord track

Ianhu Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Is there a correct procedure for making strummed acoustic follow the Cubase Chord track


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited January 12


    you have to watch that the notes of the chords are in the correct range, so you don´t trigger phrases, for example, with the chords.

  • Ianhu
    Ianhu Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    It doesn't seem to maintain the key switch selected. In other words chord one pattern A triggers but Chord 2 doesn't maintain the same pattern.

    If the Chord track is set to trigger the chords it seems to require the key switch too. Now Chord track does not work in this way.

    Or I'm not doing something right?

    I will try a new project with a chord track and strummed acoustics and report back

  • Ianhu
    Ianhu Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Vanilla Cubase project. 1 strummed guitar NI track, 1 Chord track. Does not maintain the strumming after the second chord.

    If in time it right and play the key switch it tries to do the strumming ok but basically this is not workable if using Chord track

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