Trying to send midi from MK3 to Elka x30 but it won't sync

O. Palme
O. Palme Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

My friend bought an Elka x30 organ that is supposed to have midi sync capabilities. But when I try to send midi from my Machine MK3 (I use the Machine 2 software) it doesn't sync.

I am only interested in syncing and sending my tempo to the Elka organ, not for my MK3 to be a mid controller, it that makes any sense.

I read the article "Setting Up MASCHINE MIDI Presets to Control External Hardware Instruments" and noticed that I don't have the MIDI Ext option available under step 1 Group/Types. Could this be it?

Is there even a plugin or a present for Elka x30 (this beautuful piece of hardware is a first generation midi sync organ from 1985).

What do I need to do? And thanks in advance for beginner's level explanation.



Best Answer

  • Maxray
    Maxray Member Posts: 126 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Wow, that manual is really bleak?! Based on what I was reading in the Overall Registration Programmer, Automatic Rhythm and Accompaniment and MIDI Controls sections, it seems that it uses that older Midi Protocol and can't sync it's tempo to external inputs.

    You can try running LoopMidi and see if you can get a signal reading between them (i.e., connect the midi inputs and outputs of both devices together), by checking the LoopMidi log as you hit the keys on both Elka and Maschine, you should be able to see if both devices are communicating with the computer at least.

    Another thing I noticed on the Elka… They seem to not share the same Midi channels for the Upper, Mid, Bass and secondary Bass registries, but rather operate on separate midi channels for each (unless in preset mode, which then will not communicate via midi). That's why they were so intent on placing the wording as "…the Channel number will be flashing if it has already been used on a registry!".

    That being said, I think you can adjust 3 or 4 Sound channels in Maschine to run the 3 or 4 registries independently, and allow Maschine to control the tempo. Otherwise, the manual was pretty clear that, on the Elka, the Tempo Knob controls the tempos for each pattern independently for each registry, when turned above "0"!

    Make sure Maschine is set to the proper note value though! All the Elka manual says about "note value" is that the registries start at "C", but that's vague, because they're not saying "C0", "C1", "C2", "C-1" "C-2", etc. That can be done independently in Channel Settings/Midi/Out…destination, channel and transpose. I don't know if you need to set this, but try right clicking the Group and select "Group Midi Batch Setup" and select "Midi to Notes" and then you should hear the sounds coming from the Elka?!

    To answer your question about plugin versions… Yes, Cherry Audio makes an Elka plugin, called the Elka-X! Arturia makes one, called the Synth-X! Another company called Martinic makes an older one, but I'm not sure of it's quality?! Finally, I thought GE Force or Uhe made one, but "Elka" is not in it's title, but rather I assumed it was an interface/sound engine option in one of the softsynths they make, but I don't remember?! I couldn't tell you off-hand which Hardware Workstation/Synthesizers manufacturers have an Elka sound option in their sound engines?! You'll have to research that!

    Let me know if it works for you! Also, keep checking YT, and see if other people had similar issues with older hardware, and see what their work-arounds were! There has to be some instructional video for it, I just know there is?!


  • Maxray
    Maxray Member Posts: 126 Advisor

    Did you set up the Elka to receive midi? You need to slave it to the Maschine.

  • O. Palme
    O. Palme Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Oh, I forgot to mention, in case it matters, that I have an older version of the Machine 2 software (version 2.14.5). I understand that the midi presets to control external hardware is a feature only available in later versions, but I've done midi syncing a lot with other external hardware, so that part is very confusing to me.

    Anyways, thanks for helping me.

  • O. Palme
    O. Palme Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    As far as we know there's no way to set up it becoming a slave, except perhaps to chose which midi channel to use. of course we use the midi input on the Elka. apparently the best midi track for tempo sync is #10…?

    Attaching the Elka x30 manual.

  • Maxray
    Maxray Member Posts: 126 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Wow, that manual is really bleak?! Based on what I was reading in the Overall Registration Programmer, Automatic Rhythm and Accompaniment and MIDI Controls sections, it seems that it uses that older Midi Protocol and can't sync it's tempo to external inputs.

    You can try running LoopMidi and see if you can get a signal reading between them (i.e., connect the midi inputs and outputs of both devices together), by checking the LoopMidi log as you hit the keys on both Elka and Maschine, you should be able to see if both devices are communicating with the computer at least.

    Another thing I noticed on the Elka… They seem to not share the same Midi channels for the Upper, Mid, Bass and secondary Bass registries, but rather operate on separate midi channels for each (unless in preset mode, which then will not communicate via midi). That's why they were so intent on placing the wording as "…the Channel number will be flashing if it has already been used on a registry!".

    That being said, I think you can adjust 3 or 4 Sound channels in Maschine to run the 3 or 4 registries independently, and allow Maschine to control the tempo. Otherwise, the manual was pretty clear that, on the Elka, the Tempo Knob controls the tempos for each pattern independently for each registry, when turned above "0"!

    Make sure Maschine is set to the proper note value though! All the Elka manual says about "note value" is that the registries start at "C", but that's vague, because they're not saying "C0", "C1", "C2", "C-1" "C-2", etc. That can be done independently in Channel Settings/Midi/Out…destination, channel and transpose. I don't know if you need to set this, but try right clicking the Group and select "Group Midi Batch Setup" and select "Midi to Notes" and then you should hear the sounds coming from the Elka?!

    To answer your question about plugin versions… Yes, Cherry Audio makes an Elka plugin, called the Elka-X! Arturia makes one, called the Synth-X! Another company called Martinic makes an older one, but I'm not sure of it's quality?! Finally, I thought GE Force or Uhe made one, but "Elka" is not in it's title, but rather I assumed it was an interface/sound engine option in one of the softsynths they make, but I don't remember?! I couldn't tell you off-hand which Hardware Workstation/Synthesizers manufacturers have an Elka sound option in their sound engines?! You'll have to research that!

    Let me know if it works for you! Also, keep checking YT, and see if other people had similar issues with older hardware, and see what their work-arounds were! There has to be some instructional video for it, I just know there is?!

  • Maxray
    Maxray Member Posts: 126 Advisor

    Also, another option…. don't sync it all! Just run the Elka audio directly into Maschine or your DAW and sample from it! That could be an easier option, and potentially, a more interesting one?! Because it may have some timing quirks that may be more interesting than if it were sync'd!

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