MK2 not integrated with KONTAKT 8

Pilu Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

It is a very unfair move, my s49 mk2 doesn't work with all of it's functions in kontak8…this is a very unpleasant surprise, thank u Native Instruments…We need to always buy the new products….thank you for respecting us…


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,949 Expert
    edited January 2

    Well - hardly "unfair" as the MK2 is from another time - long ago (2017) - long before anyone was thinking about Kontakt 8 or any concept of direct integration. The MKII was built for it's time - plain and simple.

    You can easily drive Kontakt 8 with any MKII board using Komplete Kontrol v3.3.4 (+)


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,173 mod
    edited January 2

    Mostly you can, all the main libraries work and Conflux too, but the Leap kits can only be accessed by going into Edit view in Komplete Kontrol software, although once loaded the macros are playable with the keyboard (there are also some bugs though either saving NKS patches in KK for Leap kits). Same for the tools and multis, they can be played but can only be accessed via the software KK with Kontakt in edit view - it’s all rather clunky really but I’m hoping NI will improve things when they get back to updating the KK host which I think has fallen behind Kontakt’s development

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,949 Expert

    "It’s all rather clunky really but I’m hoping NI will improve things when they get back to updating the KK host which I think has fallen behind Kontakt’s development"

    100% agreed.

    I still cannot find any reason to move to KK v3 yet. Need to see some real hardcore improvement across the board before I even consider that move.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,173 mod

    If you have Kontakt 8 only KK3 can access any of the new libraries like Conflux or Kithara, so it isn't just needed for MkIII keyboards. But there is definitely a lot of room for improvement still.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,949 Expert

    No need for K8 here at this point. Maybe after the Summer of Sound.


  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    it’s not that KK 2.9.6 solves the Kontakt 8 leaps and multis integration problem

  • Pilu
    Pilu Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I bought s49 mk2 in 2022, maschine also in 2022! It may be old (2017) but machine is also…as long as you still sell a keyboard, it should work with all your products!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,949 Expert
    edited January 6

    It does work with all their products.

    You can use a MKII with Komplete Kontrol v2.9.6 or the very latest KK v3.3.4. But do not confuse "working" with Kontakt 8 "direct integration"

    You chose to buy a 2017 product in 2022. It was already 5 years old when you bought it. There was no Kontakt 8 when you bought it. Kontakt 8 was most likely still on the drawing board when you bought your device.

    What exactly are you expecting? NI to design every future product they offer based upon hardware specs first tooled in 2016?

    The MKII does not have the hardware required to drive Kontakt 8 directly. If this is something you need - you will need a MKIII - no sense beating a dead horse here.


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