Tighten the Loop Encoder Knobs

Marty F
Marty F Member Posts: 63 Member

I have been Googling my X1 mk3 problem, my loop knobs :Encoders) have become very loose which ? Is strange as I don't use them. I have been reading that you can recalibrate them in Kontoller Manager ? I'm not quite sure how to do so and, was wondering if anyone could help ?

Thankyou so much id anyone can help ?



  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 186 Advisor

    This is a hardware problem. With newer hardware, the encoders are tighter and don't over-rotate as easily.
    The problem: you can't tell whether you have a newer or older version of the controller.
    There was already a detailed article about this.

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