Search Field Tractor 4 Pro

DjPedrinho Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Boa tarde,

Eu tenho uma pasta em que no final de cada musica coloco o ano correspondente, assim como identifiquei o ano no campo correspondente de cada musica no app de musica da apple. A minha surpresa é que quando abro a pasta onde elas se encontram e procuro por ano (por ex: 1984) aparece todas correspondentes a esse ano e faço o mesmo procedimento até ao ano de 2023. Quando coloco 2024 no campo de busca, aparece algumas de 2024 misturadas com outros anos, o que não devia acontecer.

Posso-vos garantir que todas as 1700 musicas dessa pasta tem o ano introduzido corretamente no campo da data ou ano.

Podem me ajudar a resolver este problema, por favor?



Best Answer

  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 132 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Click the magnifying glass in the search field and make sure the field you want to search on is selected.


  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 379 mod


    Can you please post this in English? This is an only English forum. We will be happy to help you.

  • DjPedrinho
    DjPedrinho Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hello again,

    I have all my music classified with years, but when I put by example 1985 in search field in Traktor 4 pro they don't appear.

    Can you help me please?

  • DjPedrinho
    DjPedrinho Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    Good afternoon,I have a folder where at the end of each song I put the corresponding year, just as I identified the year in the corresponding field of each song in the Apple Music app. My surprise is that when I open the folder where they are located and search by year (for example: 1984) they all appear corresponding to that year and I do the same procedure until the year 2023. When I put 2024 in the search field, some from 2024 appear mixed with other years, which shouldn't happen.I can guarantee you that all 1700 songs in that folder have the year entered correctly in the date or year field.Can you help me solve this problem, please?Thanks,DjPedrinho
  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 132 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Click the magnifying glass in the search field and make sure the field you want to search on is selected.

  • DjPedrinho
    DjPedrinho Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Já verifiquei essa opção e está em "All" na lupa de busca mas o problema persiste (nem aparece os temas de 2024), isso não acontecia na versão 3 pro que funcionava muito bem…

  • DjPedrinho
    DjPedrinho Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    I've already checked this option and it's under "All" in the search magnifying glass but the problem persists (the 2024 themes don't even appear), this didn't happen in version 3 pro which worked very well...
    but the option year don't exist in field of search…
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