Sound disappearing in Kontakt 7 and 8

boogieman Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hello everyone,

I´m new to using Kontakt and just installed the Spitfire Chamber String essentials library. I created 8 tracks in Logic Pro 11.1. with 8 different instruments, opening a new instance of the Kontakt 8 Player each time. I can hear all 8 tracks fine at first, but when I save the project and re-open Logic, half the tracks make no sound. When I open Kontakt Player on these tracks, and click on the on-screen keyboard, no sound either. This happens in Kontakt 8 and Kontakt 7. I have the latest Mac OS and Logic Pro software, plus plenty of free HD space. Does anyone have an idea what I could be doing wrong? Any help is much appreciated!

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