Chords Tool, Advanced Mode

Orion Magnus
Orion Magnus Member Posts: 4 Member

Hello - I'm a bit confused as to a few of the features of Komplete 8's Chord Tool in Advanced Mode:

  1. Let's say I have the key in C Major (so no sharps or flats). If I select an Am9 chord with the chord selector, and play notes up the playable key range, what chords are being played, and how does that previously selected Am9 chord factor into those chord choices?
  2. Are all the chords subsequently played "in key?" So for example, I see in the above scenario, one of the keys I played triggered a Cm7 chord, which has an E flat (which is NOT in the C Major scale).

Thanks for your help!



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    The fact it's set to C Major means all of the chords would be relevant to playing a song in that key which would include Am9 and Cm7. The key only designates what key the song is in not the individual notes in the scale of C.

  • Orion Magnus
    Orion Magnus Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2024

    Sorry, I'm still a bit lost. Maybe if we use this screenshot it will help:

    So below, I have it in advanced mode. The C0 key is pressed, which highlights the Am9 chord. The Scale is in C Major. What chords are the green keys playing? Are the chords in the green keys played in C Major Scale and C Major Key, or something different? If different, what determines what scale/key they are played in.


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