Why isn't the sautille articulation affected by velocity?

R2Etude Member Posts: 19 Member

I'm currently using the Amati viola with the sautille articulation, and I wanted to control the dynamics using velocity instead of the mod wheel. I have it switched to velocity just like I do for spiccato (which works fine), but it's not reacting to changes in velocity. Even with it switched to velocity, it still only reacts to changes from the mod wheel. I find it hard to believe a product like this would be THAT inconsistent in it's usage, so I assume I'm doing something wrong?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey there,

    I was unable to reproduce the issue you are reporting, velocity and modwheel both work for all articulations, with these settings:

    Please note that these settings are to be made per articulation.

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