Sync Maschine 3 with traktor pro 4 issues



  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 210 Pro

    I'll try all of that - but I won't get my machine back until the weekend - I lent it to a friend.
    About Ableton: the protocol is much more precise than MIDI and therefore really synchronous. As far as I know, the master in Ableton network is always the one where the link button is clicked last.
    In Traktor, the selected master deck and the sync button determine the tempo (master tempo)

  • Leleerre
    Leleerre Member Posts: 18 Member

    Even for me with Ableton LINK the synchronization between Traktor S8 and Maschine is not perfect ... but I learned to manage it by moving the Beatgreed of the tracks on Traktor in real time.
    I work with Traktor in "Tempo Sync" and not in "Beat Sync" .... logically to work you must have the SYNC active on the Traktor channel and in any case I can manage the BPM both from Maschine and Traktor without problems.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 210 Pro

    Normally Maschine should hit the beatgrids from Traktor exactly via link - assuming the beatgrids in Traktor are set exactly ;)
    The only problem is probably always hitting the first downbeat exactly when starting..
    Personally, I would never change my set beatgrids - there is too much work involved

    But pitching with Jog's or stripe should fix the little offset- back to roots-trust our ears :)

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 210 Pro

    Here is a very interesting article on how Ableton Link works exactly - it's in German but with Google Translate it's no problem

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,235 Expert

    In English Click Here

  • Leleerre
    Leleerre Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited January 12

    To synchronize the first Downbeat just map it ... I mapped the left FLUX+SHIFT button .... if the clock starts out of phase with the mapping I reset it to the first beat of the four.
    Here is the mapping I use:

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 210 Pro

    cool- nice idea-thanks

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 210 Pro
    edited January 23

    I have now tried the following:
    Midi Sync Maschine-Traktor:
    Machine Slave- Traktor Master= everythink ok
    Traktor Slave- Maschine Master= doesn't work cause no Vitual Midi INPUT in Traktor-or I didn't find for now
    Ableton Link:
    works in both directions
    Buffer settings in both 256, sampling rate 48,000
    System Mac 15.2 MacBook Pro M1

    Update: MIDI Sync- Traktor slave- Maschine Master= it works :)

  • Linsteff
    Linsteff Member Posts: 1 Member

    Ich habe das gleiche Problem unter Windows 11 und Ableton Link.
    Tempo von Traktor S2 lässt sich nicht mit dem Temporegler von Maschine plus steuern bzw. ändern.
    Gibt es von Seiten NI irgendeine Stellungnahme.
    Habe neuen Rechner mit dem schnellsten Prozessor I9 den es momentan gibt eingerichtet. Wurde extra für Audiobearbeitung zusammengestellt. Es hat aber auch auf dem alten Rechner unter Win 10 nicht mehr funktioniert. Es hat aber schonmal funktioniert aber da ich die Funktion selten benutze weiß ich nicht mehr unter welcher Softwareversion von Maschine und/oder Traktor das war.

    Ich könnte mal ältere Versionen installieren und testen, ist mir aber zu doof und erwarte umgehende Lösung von NI.

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