Traktor 4.1.1 Remix decks STILL not fixed

KarimS Member Posts: 67 Member

So I downloaded this latest update thinking the remix decks would be working based on the release notes and sadly no, my remix deck loops are still playing all sorts of weird lengths. If I load a loop of say 8 bars it forces every other loop in that slot to only play for 8 bars, so if the following loop happens to be 16 or 32 it will only play for 8 bars and then restart...... or if it happens to be a 4 bar loop then it will play 4 bars and then go silent for another 4 just because the last loop I loaded was 8 bars long!!

One shots seem to be playing fine regardless of length.

Do I need to raise another ticket for this???


  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 67 Member

    Attn moderators: you can delete this thread I see there's already another discussion about this same subject

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