Can't Stop Ride Bell from Choking

KingKonga Member Posts: 70 Member

I've read the whole section on Setup, and it may be that I just don't understand what it's saying, but I have a Meinl Bell sample that's doing 2 things that I just can't fix. The 1st issue is it cuts off unless I hold the button down, and I can't figure out how to fix it. The 2nd issue is even more puzzling. The same sample triggers even when the file ISN'T playing. It plays maybe every 10 sec. I don't know what else to tell you.

Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,139 mod
    Answer ✓

    The voice settings just set how many notes you can play at once on a group for example or one sound can cancel another sound for open and close hi hats for example. On the edit tab you set the properties of the sample like start/end - loop start/end and other behaviors if I remember correctly. I will tomorrow make some pictures and as I said some pictures from your sample setting would help too. Some samples come with data about some properties stored within the sample and if you load them those are set like loops and so on, maybe that's what happens here but that's just a guess.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,139 mod


    if you go to the editor tab on the bottom, are there any loops set, have you set the volume envelope on the main tab?

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 70 Member

    Thanks Uwe303. Sorry I'm late getting back with you. I haven't touched the Editor screen. NOTHING. But could you pls explain why it's NOT something to do with Voice Grps on Setup?



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,139 mod
    Answer ✓

    The voice settings just set how many notes you can play at once on a group for example or one sound can cancel another sound for open and close hi hats for example. On the edit tab you set the properties of the sample like start/end - loop start/end and other behaviors if I remember correctly. I will tomorrow make some pictures and as I said some pictures from your sample setting would help too. Some samples come with data about some properties stored within the sample and if you load them those are set like loops and so on, maybe that's what happens here but that's just a guess.

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 70 Member

    Thanks again, Uwe. Actually, last night I just went in and used another sample that didn't have that issue. All's well now.

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