Just sent my Maschine Mikro Mk3 back - Software not available

SeanoftheDead Member Posts: 8 Member

I don't know what to say. I registered my serial number but could never access the software.

I was unable to get anything like actual help for three days. My support tickets were never responded to, the chatbot is useless, and the community forum/Reddit had no answers.

I was even told to calm down.

Uh, no man, I will not calm down. I will get as far away from NI as I can.

This is objectively terrible support by any metric.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    Do you feel better now after venting that out?

    To be honest in your shoes i might have the done the same as far as returning the unit, I wouldn't however curse at other people as that naturally leads to someone politely telling to…. calm down, in the best case scenario.

    I just bought a product form another company and it took 4 days to get a reply from support, thats rather normal… Especially during sales or new product launches.

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