Unsaved presets of racks after the 6.5.0 update

AlexanderDucOfCoffee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I just updated Reaktor Player to version 6.5.0 on Native Access and on saved songs of Cakewalk's Bandlab which were using unsaved presets of racks of Reaktor Player using blocks from Blocks Base and Blocks Prime the racks will not come up come on opening of each of these song.

Instead, on startup of Reaktor Player in Bandlab on already saved songs I get Reaktor Player's start screen and not the rack formerly used. Up until updating 6.4.3. to 6.5.0 the synthesizer-rack I was using would open up each time of opening a song using it as instrument according to Bandlab's saving method.

Please help retrieving these sounds all comments welcome

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