Track playing stops and unloads via Beatport streaming

Hi everyone,

I updated to Traktor Pro 4 and tried the Beatport streaming. If I load from streaming a track into a deck. Track loads OK, track info OK, but after I press play, it stops after 1 second and unloads. What is happening?

The same issue in Traktro Pro 3.

I tried Beatport streaming about 1 year ago (in Traktor Pro 3), but then it worked OK. The soundcard is the same. Then I used Win10, now I use Win11.

Does anyone have the same issue?

I tried to find C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Traktor\Streaming\ and Beatport folder, as it was written in a different topic, but I have no Native Instruments folder in the Local folder. I created the Native Instruments\Traktor\Streaming\ but no change.

Thank you!

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