Acoustic Strummer Sunburst demo ? ..... and issue with Acoustic Strummer 2.

M-K_ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

681 / 5.000

Good morning everyone, I'm considering buying Acoustic Strummer Sunburst. I'm undecided because I bought Acoustic Strummer 2 but I never actually managed to get it to work.If I work inside the plugin everything is ok. If I work live by recording and then playing in logic a riff composed of pieces of different riffs (example first part of blackjack 1 + third part of blackjack 2) kontak goes crazy and goes out of sync.Is there a chance to try a demo version of Acoustic Strummer Sunburst?Or if you have the same problem with AS2 and know how to solve it.I tried changing all the settings but I couldn't solve the problem.Thanks


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey there, have you contacted our support about this issue with Strummed Acoustic 2? This looks like a specific bug that needs to be looked at. Unfortunately there are no demos for Kontakt libraries. Could you recreate the issue in a small Logic project and post it here?

  • M-K_
    M-K_ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi Jeremy, in attachment you'll find 2 example.

    AC2-> late of 1/4 at point 4

    AC3 → between 3 and 4 there should be silence but it continues to play the pattern

    Many thanks

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