RX11 Spectral Repair Length

Steve Simmons
Steve Simmons Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I would like to verify the specifics of the "Surrounding region length (%)" option in the Spectral Repair module. The manual offers a vague description:

Defines how much of the surrounding content will be used for interpolation.

I'm guessing based on the name of the option this sets the surrounding region to be used based on the length of the selection as a percentage. So if your selection for repair is one second long (doesn't matter how tall/ what frequencies are involved), then the surrounding region will be set from one second before your selection starts to the selection start and from selection end to one second after selection end.

If you set it to 50 (%), that would mean the surrounding region would be set to a half second each side.

I'm also assuming it only pulls from the frequencies that are involved in the selection when using the horizontal option.

Am I thinking right?

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