Purchased music from itunes showing as unknown format in traktor

melanie Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

Hello, would be great if someone could help me plesase, I just purchased a load of music from itunes created my playlist but when i open traktor its saying unknown format to all the music I just bought. why is this happening and what can I do ?

Thank you


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Do you use also Apple Music? Then you may loaded DRM protected versions.

  • melanie
    melanie Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    I have iTunes on my computer windows 10 and Apple Music on my phone. I realize that every track I selected and purchased today was all originally Shazammed yesterday on my iphone where i have apple music, but i then went onto my computer and purchased them through itunes. it was very strange that every one of these tracks wasn't showing as available to purchase as a single song, so I had to buy the whole album every. I have since noticed in traktor that it will play every single song of those albums I bought except for the very song i originally wanted. I have spoken to itine 3 x today and they insist if the music is playing in my itunes then its a Traktor problem, have you any ideas whats happening here ? thank you for you reply

  • melanie
    melanie Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    when i check the file on the songs they all say AAC audio file

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    The question is if you use the streaming service Apple Music. This can result in getting not the bought file (which should be DRM free) but the streaming file which is copy protected. Had a similar problem while had Apple Music streaming: There was a setting to get highest quality available as download. Was a Dolby Atmos version only available for streaming. Traktor couldn't play it. It will be still a AAC file though. Can you play that file with any other software which is not from Apple?

  • melanie
    melanie Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    I do not use any other streaming software, but you are right, some of the specific tracks I wanted are M4P, Since we last spoke I tried to convert them into MP3 and that's how I could see they were DRM. So there's nothing I can do? How do I prevent this from happening when im buying Apple Music, I dont know how to tell?

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