Problem with traktor pro 4 update

Pascal78 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

hello, I have just bought the new version of traktor pro 4 (I was using traktor pro 3). Everything has been well installed, the collection and the playlist of track well imported. However, when I load a track I don’t see the full waveform of the track (previously ok and well analyzed with Traktor pro 3) and I get a red error message : « Cannot execute BPM detection due to missing transients! Please analyze first. ». All my previous track get this issue but also new ones. Could you help me please.

Best Answer


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    It's been a while since I dabbled with Traktor, but I seem to remember having to have Traktor analyze your music library? And I also remember having a large music library and this taking a little time…

    Maybe with the upgrade, your library needs to be analyzed again?

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 119 Advisor

    Try doing a consistency check - it will tell you how many of your tracks need to be reanalysed. A lot, if not all, of the tracks that I analysed a long time ago, probably on Traktor Pro 2, had this problem.

    You can also add a column to the browser that shows what has been analysed on each track, and you'll see which tracks are missing Transients there.

  • Pascal78
    Pascal78 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    dear Diosgnosis and BJQ1972, thanks a lot for taking the time. I did the consistency check, and I can see how many should be re-analyzed (the majority), and it is said that they are "missing transients"…But when I want to re analyze them, even 1 by 1, I still get the error message: « Cannot execute BPM detection due to missing transients! Please analyze first. »

    I can't do anything….I am stuck there….

    I also have this message when I open Traktor:

    When I reset to Default value, it doesn't change anything…any help please?

    Do you know how to get assistance from NI experts?

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    What's the current full pathname (including drive letter/volume name) for your collection.nml? I imagine the above TP4 error message is basically saying it either cannot find it or there is something wrong with your "Traktor 4.1.0" folder.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • tfloor
    tfloor Member Posts: 23 Member

    This is not the first time i see an error screenshot of someone who has his content on onedrive.

    I didnt test it, but for myself , i never want to have traktor files on onedrive redirection folders.

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 387 mod
    Answer ✓


    Keep in mind that Traktor Pro is designed for local file access. You can try to move the Traktor root directory out of One Drive.

    After doing this you will have to go to your Traktor preferences > File Management and set the new direction of the root directory.

    You can find some useful info below.

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