X1 Loop Encoders

My Loop Encoders have become so loose a sensitive, is there a really hope so ? So grateful for anyones advice.




  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    What X1 are you talking about? Original x1, x1 mk2 or the new mk3?

  • Marty F
    Marty F Member Posts: 64 Member

    It is an X Mk 3 I think, I bought it from Native Instruments

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    Well they are all from Native Instruments :P

    The ones with the lights underneath and displays at the top is the mk3

    Anyhow, what do you mean by:

    have become so loose a sensitive

    Are they very sensitive? Or less sensitive?

  • Marty F
    Marty F Member Posts: 64 Member

    They are very sensitive I sometimes knock them when I press another button on my X1MK3 and, they moves the loop settings so very, very easily. I rarely use the loop functionality so I can't understand how they have become so loose ?

    Is there a way I could try to firm the flexibility of them up ? I'm sure I used to be able to recalibrate them, not sure if that used to keep them stable or not ?

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Only thing that comes to ming is creating traction between the encoder cap and the controller surface. If someone has a better idea I'm all ears, because my unit is the same - can't use it.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    I'm not aware of any calibration for the mk3. Never seen that.

    The very first patch of the new x1 mk3 had very sensible encoders. So much so that they changed it later on. If you bought your x1 mk3 right when it came out you might have gotten the very sensitive encoders:

    But that also means they have always been like this on your device. Are you sure they changed over time?

  • Marty F
    Marty F Member Posts: 64 Member

    Very,very sure ?

  • Marty F
    Marty F Member Posts: 64 Member

    There must be something I could try l ? I absolutely hate it know please hate you any idea's Lord Carlos ?


  • Marty F
    Marty F Member Posts: 64 Member

    What can I try to firm them up ? I bought my X1 MKIII on 26.10.2023. They shouldn't be this loose already ? Especially if I don't hardly use them. Please Native Instruments can you help me please ?

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