Maschine 3 software playhead not scrolling

Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

Hi. Is anyone having problems with the playhead not moving on your computer screen when playing a song?


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor


    I have noticed that when in Song Mode, the playhead moves in the top portion of the software. I suppose this is the Song View???

    When back in Ideas Mode, the playhead moves in the bottom portion of the software which is the Pattern View.

    Also, if you have a Pattern Length longer than the Pattern View, you may be losing the playhead as it tracks beyond the current Pattern View size. There's a little slider bar at the bottom where you can adjust:

    There is a loss of visual integrity for me concerning the 'look' of the playhead in the Pattern View. It kinda phases and gets misaligned as it progresses through the pattern.

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    My does the same but it freezes totally. working with tech support. They are telling me it's because my external hard drive was formatted in the wrong manner which means reinstalling 299 items in Native Acess.

    super painful.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    the playhead doesnt necessarily scroll rather the screen jumps

    theres a arrow button up the top with the 3 dots beside it… which is your "follow" playhead toggle

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