Komplete Audio device Audio 6 mk2 now makes a loud audio buzz randomly and crashes DAW session

Michael Leary
Michael Leary Member Posts: 50 Member

I started hearing a random loud buzz (1-2 sec.) but could not tell what it was from. Today I was using my DAW and now see an error. It froze the DAW.

I had to restart the Laptop to get sound back.

It is the default Windows Audio device.

Input: 1/2 to Eris Speakers



Connected: Audio L/R from a Korg Kross. 1/2

front (2) Headphones

front (1) to Eris Speakers for Keyboard blend (at 50/50 on front potentiometer)

Nothing MIDI connected.

My S88 mk2 is also USB connected on this laptop but I do not see any errors in Windows app or sys logs.

How should I fix this?


  • Michael Leary
    Michael Leary Member Posts: 50 Member

    It does not require this DAW to produce the loud random Buzz sound. I just do not get a general crash in Windows or other apps.

  • Michael Leary
    Michael Leary Member Posts: 50 Member

    Created a warranty request with support..

    Seems to be output related. Can be isolated by removing the device from Windows default Audio Device settings ch1/2 or 3/4.

    Waiting on replay.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    I believe our support agents have a new driver for you to test.

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