K K 3.3.3 problem

Didier krypton
Didier krypton Member Posts: 21 Member


everything worked perfectly until I got an update from k k

i have been having problems with Komplete kontrol for a while, everything off and everything back on …..

when i open k k in logic i can see all the instruments on the screen and on my mk3

to listen to instruments etc

once i press to load them i get a small grey square in the middle of the screen in logic

then everything is stuck, the only option i have then is to press esc.

i also work with Arturia and everything works smoothly on logic only on mk3 i have no screen and controller operation.

my setup, iMac core I3 32gb ram 1T. and external. ssdT9 2T, the latter also changed.

NI mk3 , S49 , LOGIC pro x

has always worked more since update many problems and no possibility to compose anymore, frustrating

have done many other setups NI on HD, changed ports etc

sorry if there are mistakes in the text but I can only write Dutch


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