Kontrol S4 Mk3, joogweel problem!!!

Re.Star Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my S4 Mk3 (Bought on August 24) very often and randomly, 
when I mix two or more tracks and adjust the tempo with the jogwheel, it happens 
that the tempo of the track starts to flicker, as if there was a false contact. Then I have to put my hand back on the jog wheel to make it stop, resulting in loss of beats and sync with the other record.
It happens with both jogwheels and with all 4 decks.
I tried with both TP3 and TP4 and it's the same thing
I contacted NI but still no response.
here is a video of what happens

A thousand thanks


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,684 Expert

    How and when did you contact support?

    There is no video attached to your post. Maybe upload it to YouTube or Dropbox. Or something similar.

  • Re.Star
    Re.Star Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


  • Re.Star
    Re.Star Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    Sorry, but this is the first post I've made, and it wouldn't let me insert the link.

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